Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Sock Monkey Tutorial!

Summer Camping Trip With Sock

My dad got my three year old Jaxxon a sock monkey for Christmas when he was a baby. We all thought it was a hilarious gift, but oddly enough that was the only thing he wanted to play with. To this day he still drags it around everywhere with him, and if we forget it at home he throws a royal fit. His name is "Sock" (go figure), and he even has a theme song "I am a sock monkey, I am a sock monkey, I like to swing all day, and eat off all the plates!" At least that's what I translated from three year old gibberish. Jaxxon hates it when we throw Sock in the washer, but he often needs it. Last year he got a tear on his eye and Jaxxon told us it was because Sock was swinging in the trees and eating banana pies.

                                                            Hunting Trip With Sock Monkey

Sock is such a big part of Jaxxon's life, and I wanted to buy Riley a monkey too since my parents bought one for my 6 year old Jacob last year. I had a hard time finding any cute girly monkeys, but then I found this tutorial! It is soo cute, and looks super easy. I'm no whiz with the sewing machine, I consider myself a novice at best, but I am going to give this a shot. Let me know if you try it and how it works out for you! You can find the tutorial at Craft Passion HERE. Happy Sewing!

Friday, November 9, 2012

Living With Hypoglycemia, Signs You May Have It!


Okay everyone! I wanted to bring some awareness to something that I live with everyday, and that is called : HYPOGLYCEMIA! Yikes, sounds scary doesn't it? Truth is, it can be very scary if not managed properly.

I first found out I had hypoglycemia when I was 5 months pregnant with my son Jacob. We were at the senior prom with a bunch of friends and I started feeling really sick, and my chest got very tight like my ribs wouldn't expand for my lungs to breathe.  I turned to my date and told him I needed to use the restroom and could he please take me. All I remember was my vision going completely black, and then waking up then the paramedics were putting an oxygen mask on me. I found out later that my blood sugar was dangerously low and I was diagnosed with borderline severe hypoglycemia. I remember that about 7 months prior I was at the bank with my friends and we went outside after I withdrew some money from my account, I went to get into the car and suddenly everything went black. Thankfully I had my friends there for me when I woke up, although I was very scared and cried a LOT! Thankfully, I haven't had any fainting episodes, although I have gotten pretty close more than a couple times.

So what is Hypoglycemia? From the Mayo Clinic:

"Hypoglycemia is a condition characterized by an abnormally low level of blood sugar (glucose), your body's main energy source.
Hypoglycemia is commonly associated with the treatment of diabetes. However, a variety of conditions, many of them rare, can cause low blood sugar in people without diabetes. Like fever, hypoglycemia isn't a disease itself — it's an indicator of a health problem. "

Treatment of Hypoglycemia:

"Immediate treatment of hypoglycemia involves quick steps to get your blood sugar level back into a normal range — about 70 to 100 milligrams per deciliter or mg/dL (3.9 to 5.6 millimoles per liter or mmol/L) — either with high-sugar foods or medications. Long-term treatment requires identifying and treating the underlying cause of hypoglycemia"

For me, I use glucose tablets that can be bought at your local pharmacy for about a dollar if you want a small tube, and it goes up from there. When I start feeling my blood sugar getting low, I take one and within a couple minutes are start to feel okay again. So what are the symptoms?

  • Confusion, abnormal behavior or both, such as the inability to complete routine tasks
  • Visual disturbances, such as double vision and blurred vision
  • Seizures, though uncommon
  • Loss of consciousness, though uncommon

  • Hypoglycemia may also cause these other signs and symptoms:
    • Heart palpitations
    • Shakiness
    • Anxiety
    • Sweating
    • Hunger
    • Tingling sensation around the mouth

    I think this picture is a really good reference for Hypoglycemic symptoms to use!

    When to see a doctor Seek a doctor's help immediately if:
    • You have what appears to be symptoms of hypoglycemia. Hypoglycemia, if confirmed, can be an indication of any number of illnesses, all of which can be serious.
    • You have diabetes and early signs of hypoglycemia don't improve with eating or taking glucose tablets.
    • Seek emergency help if someone you know who has diabetes or a history of recurring hypoglycemia loses consciousness

    A simple blood test can tell if you are in fact Hypoglycemic. It's kind of crappy to have to worry about it throughout the day, especially if you are at the park with your kids and you feel a sudden onset. That alone can rock you with anxiety and suddenly you're like "Come on kids! Mommy needs a milkshake!!"

    I think it's important to bring awareness to certain illnesses and diseases as some can go undiagnosed for quite some time like mine did. Thoughts? Anyone with Hypoglycemia wish to share their story, or tips on how to keep it under control?

    Monday, November 5, 2012

    Increase Your Spending Power At The Grocery Store!!

    I think a really important part of having a family is making sure you stay within budget. It can be hard to go grocery shopping, especially with the outrageous prices these days. I have devised a plan to help manage grocery expenses, although I'm not claiming it to save you thousands of dollars it sure does help! I never really got into the whole coupon craze thing, mostly because I just don't have time to sit down and calculate everything and I don't want to anger the people behind me in the checkout line! I found an amazing website with free printable work sheets that I use to figure out what meals we're making, what ingredients we need, and how much it will cost (approximately).

    In fact, this is just one miniscule thing I use from this amazing blog Organized Home!! Cynthia Ewer, the creator of this website has so many incredible ways to stay organized and keep your head above water. You can find the free printables for her Household Notebook , which I STRONGLY suggest constructing -HERE !! (Did I mention it's FREE?!)

    First I plan out a menu for dinner for the entire week:

    Then I write every ingredient onto my "Pantry Inventory " sheet. I go through my pantry and everything that is red is something that I need to buy in order to have all my ingredients for the weeks dinner menu.

    Last I write everything marked red onto my "Price Book" sheet. I go online to the weekly ads for the grocery store I shop at and look up to see if anything is on sale that is on my price sheet. I write down the price of each item onto my sheet so that I know how much my shopping trip is going to cost me. This keeps me from buying an item that might cost more than the sale item. For example Miracle Whip might cost $4.00, but the Safeway brand only costs $2.49. Instead of wasting time looking for the cheapest one, I already know and it saves me that extra couple minutes comparing (which can be priceless when you are toting around a baby and a toddler!)

    You can see that I estimated my shopping trip to only cost me around $50 for a weeks worth of meals because I didn't buy things that I already have. It's important to take inventory of your food supply so that you don't find yourself guessing while your at the store which ultimately ends up costing you an unneccessary expense!

    Overall it only takes me about an hour to decide what dinners we will be having that week, and categorizing everything to maximize my spending power! This might not work for everyone, but it works for me. As far as other meals go, I purchase store brand cereal, fruit, and bagels for breakfast, and bread with lunch meats and different cheeses for lunch. I try to stay away from lunchables and ramen noodles because processed foods are so bad for you! Give this a shot and see if it works...I think it saves a lot of time, money, and hassle at the store!

    About Me!

                                                                   About Me

    I am a 24 year old stay at home mom (SAHM) with three kiddos: Jacob 6, Jaxxon 3, and Riley 9 Months. I am currently a Criminal Justice major at Colorado State University where I am earning my Bachelors in Criminal Justice with minors in Political Science and Chicano Studies. My other-half is a police officer and much of my life revolves around his schedule, together we make it work through selflessness and love!  I am creating this blog in hopes that I can contribute a small bit to other SAHM's who sometimes feel overwhelmed or sometimes a little crazy by offering my advice, crafts, activities, recipes, you name it! I have no experience doing this sort of thing and I often never follow rules....I'm the queen of improvisation! If I can make an impact on one person's life than I have fulfilled my life goal. This is just me- Proud American, Police Wife,  and all  I know is  what I know! Thank you for visiting!
